Small Victories


Today was a good day. I really needed a good day. The adrenaline that comes with the first six weeks of having a newborn is all gone now and I’m spent, physically and mentally.

D had a good day at preschool and pick up was a breeze. We had a great dinner (which he actually ate) and then went over to a friend’s house afterwards for a short visit. He played nicely and *gasp* quietly, and didn’t even lose his shit when it was time to leave.

All of this almost completely overshadows the fact that it’s after 9 o’clock and he’s still upstairs screaming about who knows what. Almost. I will take what I can get though.

I’ve also started getting back to some having some mommy time. Jules and I had our very first Pinterest party on the weekend. We basically get together and make something we pinned ages ago, thought would be awesome, and then forgot all about.

Good behaviour and creative outlets. This is what I am excited about right now. Small victories.


Here is a quick behind the scenes snapshot from my phone. That’s all I can show you for now because my project is a gift.